Upcoming Trainings Join us for an intensive training program designed to practically and effectively grow your business, led by industry experts. Upcoming Trainings Date Location Fee Action PROSPECTING AND LEAD GENERATION 27th - 28thFebruary Accra GH₵ 3,000 DetailslabelRegisterlabelLEADING ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE AND TRANSFORMATION 13th - 14thMarch Accra GH₵ 3,000 DetailslabelRegisterlabelENTREPRENEURIAL JOURNEY: IDEATION TO STARTUP 19th - 20thMarch Accra GH₵ 3,000 DetailslabelRegisterlabelTIME MANAGEMENT AND PRODUCTIVITY 20th - 21stMarch Accra GH₵ 3,000 DetailslabelRegisterlabelWINNING WITH RELATIONSHIP SELLING 25th - 26thMarch Accra GH₵ 3,000 DetailslabelRegisterlabelDIGITAL TRANSFORMATION FOR BUSINESS GROWTH 25th - 26thMarch Accra GH₵ 3,000 DetailslabelRegisterlabel To Register: Contact 0200625026/0543898880 to secure your seat! Be the preferred choice of your customers!