Upcoming Trainings Join us for an intensive training program designed to practically and effectively grow your business, led by industry experts. Upcoming TrainingsDateLocationFeeActionEFFECTIVE STRATEGY EXECUTION21st - 22ndJanuaryAccraGH₵ 5,000DetailslabelRegisterlabelMASTERING THE ART OF SELLING23rd - 24thJanuaryAccraGH₵ 3,000DetailslabelRegisterlabelESSENTIALS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP23rd - 24thJanuaryAccraGH₵ 3,000DetailslabelRegisterlabelUNLEASHING YOUR MS EXCEL SKILLS28th - 29thJanuaryAccraGH₵ 3,000DetailslabelRegisterlabelORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND DISCIPLINE30th - 31stJanuaryAccraGH₵ 3,000DetailslabelRegisterlabel To Register: Contact 0200625026/0543898880 to secure your seat! Be the preferred choice of your customers!